
The Word According to Shelia─I Love You Just Because

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2: 7

I love you just because. Maybe this sounds like a simple statement to you. Then again, maybe it doesn’t make much sense to say I love you just ‘because’. Because of what? There are times we ask other people, our children, or family members why did you do this or why did you do that. The answer is sometimes a shrug of the shoulder and a resounding “because”. We always want to know why. We don’t want to hear someone respond ‘just because’. We crave details, the full story, even it turns out to be a lie, it seems we’d rather hear a lie than to hear the response, just because.

But I’m here to tell you that during this special season, the time when we celebrate and give thanks for all that God has brought us through, and during the time when we are supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, that we are loved ‘just because.’ We are loved because God chose to love us. God chose to form us, to make each of us individually unique, fearfully, and wonderfully did He create us. Just because He chose to adopt us into His kingdom, just because He chose to die for us while we were yet sinners so we could have a chance at eternal life…just because of who God is, we are who we are.

When you make plans to celebrate the Thanksgiving and Christmas remember the reason for the celebration. Recall all of the good and perfect gifts God has blessed you to have. Remember all of the ‘this too shall pass’ situations in life that God has brought you over. Remember to gives thanks because God is worthy to be praised. The holiday is called Thanks-giving. You have something to be thankful. If you are reading this blog, then you have something to be thankful for because it means that you are alive! You still have work to do here on earth! You still have dreams to explore, and joy to experience! So, be thankful for every tiny precious new life you’ve been given all the way to the giving God for keeping you during this tough time of financial and economic crises. God deserves your thanks.

As for Christmas, you’ve heard time and time again that Christmas is not about Santa Claus nor is it about getting or receiving gifts. But I’m going to remind you again. Christmas is about celebrating the newness of life in the form of Jesus Christ our Savior. Born in a manger to Mary, a teenage virgin. It’s about His birth. Stop getting it twisted my friends. It’s not about how many presents you place underneath a Christmas tree. It’s not what your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend gets you for a gift. It’s not about satisfying your wants and desires. It’s not about depression and loneliness, not when you know that God is sovereign, that He died and yet lives for you and me! It’s not time to give up but it’s time to give to just because. Give to God your very best life now. Give to others the best of you now. Give to God your heart, spirit and soul. Give the gift of witnessing to someone. Give just because. Give by helping someone who is less fortunate, who’s having a hard time. Give as Christ has given to you. Give and you shall receive, don’t worry about that. As surely as you give in the name of Jesus Christ you shall receive.

When you give it will surely be given back to you. It’s in the word of God, “give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, running over, shall men give unto your bosom! Now that’s an absolutely powerful statement, a promise from God! And God cannot lie.

This Christmas, be of good cheer. This Christmas love others just because. Just because Christ decided to love you.

I love you...just because
May you be filled with thanksgivine and praise as the time of celebration nears!

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